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When she is not one half of Victoria Abbott, Mary Jane has three fantastic series of her own, you can find out more on her website
Erika Chase aka Linda Wiken is a wonderful writer and dear friend. We think you'll love her new series.
Barbara Fradkin http://www.barbarafradkin.com
Joan Boswell http://www.joanboswell.ca
Brenda Chapman http://www.brendachapman.ca
R.J. Harlick http://www.rjharlick.ca
Janet Bolin http://www.threadvillemysteries.com
Gail Bowen http://www.gailbowen.com
Avery Aames http://www.averyaames.com
Krista Davis http://www.divamysteries.com
Vicki Delany http://www.vickidelany.com
Elizabeth J. Duncan http://elizabethjduncan.com
Jennie Bentley http://jennabennett.com
Lucy Burdette http://luckyburdette.com
Peg Cochran http://pegcochran.com
Sheila Connelly http://sheilaconnelly.com
Hannah Dennison http://hannahdennison.com
Victoria Hamilton http://vintagekitchenmysteries.com
Julie Hyzy http://juliehyzy.com
Miranda James http://www.catinthestacks.com
Meg London http://www.meglondon.com
Jenn McKinlay http://www.jennmckinlay.com
Dorothy St. James http://www.dorothystjames.com
Wendy Lyn Watcon http://www.wendylynwatson.com
Heather Webber http://www.heatherwebber.com
Lorna Barrett www.lornabarrett.com
Miranda James http://www.catinthestacks.com